Prayer Petitions

We invite you to add your prayer petitions as a comment below and be assured of us praying for these daily on our pilgrimage!

Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.
~Philippians 4:6

May God Bless you!

**Instructions for posting your Prayer Petitions**
  1. Type your Prayer Petition into the "Post a Comment" box below.
  2. Click the dropdown box next to "Comment as:" and then select "Name/URL" or "Anonymous" (unless one of the other posting methods apply to you such as google, wordpress, etc.)
  3. For "Name/URL" option -  select "Name/URL" and a box will pop up and you enter your name. (It is not necessary to enter anything under URL). Then click "Continue" and then click on "Post Comment".
  4. For "Anonymous"option - select "Anonymous" and then click on "Post Comment".
  5. Note that there is an options to "Preview" prior to posting if needed.
  6. If you encounter difficulties, please email your Prayer Petition to and we will post your petition for you.


  1. Pray for safe travel for all WYD Pilgrims coming from all around the world!

  2. For Andy Reck, father of pilgrim Jacinta, to be healed of esophageal cancer.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Please pray for Dianne Wujciga who has ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). Pray that she is comforted in all ways--physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We pray with you that she experience God's profound love more deeply in the midst of her suffering.

  5. Please pray for our daughter Michelle to be healed completely of her physical problems. Also, please pray for our Special Intentions. Have a wonderful trip and make lots of beautiful memories.

  6. Please pray for two of my friends who have Cistics Fibrosis. Also for my best friend Sister Maria Caritas who is a Dominican sister in Michigan. And for my many friends with a Giant Congenital Melanisic Nevi.

  7. email from Fr. Bill JacobsAugust 12, 2011 at 8:12 PM

    We Pray for Fr. David Adams who is battling Level IV Cancer - the prognosis is NOT good! We Pray To The Lord! Lord Hear Our Prayer...


    Fr. Bill Jacobs

  8. David and Kris CollinsAugust 15, 2011 at 12:43 PM

    We give thanks for the safe arrival of our new 5 year old twin cousins, Hope and Beth, from Ethiopia and ask for prayers for their family(Mike, Mary, Jack, Juliana, & Danny) as they adjust to life in America. They are beautiful smiling girls!

  9. Karl Dolson, Louisville, KYAugust 17, 2011 at 12:02 AM

    Please pray for Dakota (a non-Catholic 11th-grader), Jacob (a 9th-grader), and me as we participate in a regional WYD celebration near Bowling Green, KY, on Aug 20-21. We will be camping out (without tents) with hundreds of others who were unable to travel to Madrid, but will be united with those in Spain in Faith and in the Holy Spirit. We will also pray for you!

  10. Dear sisters and brothers, “Pilgrims for Christ”,

    I was happy to check in on your website to catch up with what sounded like a wonderful trip thusfar, including your time in Fatima. What a joy---and what a blessing for all of you. I’m sure that by now you are in Madrid for the beginning of World Youth Day, and I want you to know that you continue to be in my daily special prayers. In fact, yesterday and earlier today, I was visiting our seminarians who are having a 3-day In-Service time on the grounds of the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration in Mishawaka, Ind. I was talking not only with the seminarians (in particular Deacon Dan Hyman of your parish) about all of you, but also with the dear Sisters. They promised to keep you in their prayers before the Blessed Sacrament, as they are already praying from the pilgrim group from their own diocese of Ft.Wayne/South Bend with Bishop Rhoades leading their pilgrimage. So, know that you are and remain in the hearts of many, many of us here back home.

    My prayer for you is this:
    Dear Loving God, please continue to send Your blessings upon our dear young people and their adult chaperones from the Diocese of Kalamazoo who are joined with millions of young people from all over the world these days at World Youth Day. Deepen their Faith in You; increase their Hope in Your abiding Presence with Your holy people; make more fervent their desire to reach out in Love in Your name to those in need; strengthen their commitment to be Your witnesses in the world wherever You lead them; let Your Holy Spirit keep them in Your love and protection under the gentle care of our dear Blessed Mother, who will constantly lead them closer to her Son, and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

    Please continue to travel faithfully, enjoy what you’re experiencing immensely, and return safely to your families and your Church here in the Diocese of Kalamazoo, and know that we are very proud of each of you.

    In the Love of Christ our Light, + Bishop Paul J. Bradley

  11. Thank you Jesus for the incredible shepherd we have in Bishop Bradley!
    We ask prayers for Kara and your will in her life as well as all broken marriages, especially for Brian and Deb, that they may have healing, communication, and reconciliation.

  12. For all students heading off to college for the 1st time: for safe travels, trust in Your will for them, peace that passes all understanding, and a journey that leads them closer to You.

  13. Healing for Deb suffering from cancer and for the repose of the soul of Fr. Bob

  14. For Jim who is having complications following surgery and whose condition is worsening, as well as his daughter Jordan who is so worried about him.

  15. In Thanksgiving for prayers answered--that Andy Reck was able to have his treatment on Friday after it had seemed impossible days before. Bl. Francis Xavier Seelos, pray for Andy's complete healing!

  16. In our modern world of science, we're sometimes tempted to think of prayer, petition, and merit as a mathematic equation. "Pray about X for Y number of hours, fasting for W days, and X will be answered." We've come to expect an immediate answer to our problems... like a simple program that has occasional bug, but generally works well with a few clicks of the mouse.
