Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Hello and Welcome!!

We are glad you stopped by. We hope to post daily while on our pilgrimage. Until then, please check out the other pages listed on the left sidebar and find out more about World Youth Day, the WYD patron Saints, the pilgrims, our itinerary, and more to come. Be sure to add your Prayer Petitions too, just click the link and add under the comments.

We depart on Thursday, August 11th and return on Monday, August 22nd. We will be posting an Itinerary Page soon, which will give more details regarding the pilgrimage. You can sign up to follow the blog  and will receive notifications of new posts or just stop by when you are able!


"Rooted and built up
in Jesus Christ,
firm in the faith"
(cf Col 2:7)


  1. What a day you must have had!!! We are so excited to hear from you. God bless all of you and everyone you see on your travels.

  2. Looking forward to following your trip on line.
    lots of love, all of us.

  3. A report from the World Youth Day pilgrims (via Lia Hartline): they are having an “awesome” time, meeting youth from around the world (they have made friends with people from Samoa, Australia, and all over the world staying in their same hotel), meeting fellow pilgrims walking down the street singing, walking up to them saying: “We are from America; where are you from?” And they are not even in Spain yet!!

  4. Well, you must all be having a GREAT time, because the "We will try to post every day" has not come to pass! Lol
