Saturday, August 20, 2011

Holy Mass with the Holy Father at Cuatro Vientos

We are off on our pilgrimage walk to Cuatro Vientos!

We don't have much time to share with you all because it is most important that our time is spent in Spiritual Preparation and actual physical movement toward the mass, which is about a 5 mile walk away!  Tonight is unlike any other night in Spain. Tonight more than a million youth will keep vigil together under the stars praising God and jubilantly awaiting the Holy Father!!

I just want to let all of you know that we will be praying for you but we also beg your prayers as a pilgrimage is full of opportunities for grace ... usually by means of suffering! Please pray that we will all embrace our cross on the last days of this pilgrimage and come home zealous for heaven and the Lord Jesus Christ!!

Also, I think you can check out the mass on EWTN! Maybe you'll see us!!

Here are some links with further information about the walk:

PEACE in Christ!

~ Katherine
In Sweet Jesus, Jesus LOVE.


Friday, August 19, 2011

Viva el Papa... continued!!

For those of you that saw/see anything on EWTN or elsewhere, of the Holy Father's arrival in Madrid..... several of us were between the Knights of Columbus flag and the big screen, just behind the fence! It was incredible!! The streets were filled with pilgrims. I would love to see an aerial view! Look online for that maybe.

These kids are true pilgrims! We made a train and weaved our way through the crowds and ended up with a great location and they were all joyful in the process because we were going to see the Holy Father!!

What a beautiful testimony to our faith! the streets filled with so many youth singing wonderful songs to the Lord and calling out to the Holy Father!! It was wonderful to be standing on the middle of that, nothing can compare. It has filled my heart with joy!  In the course of being in the middle of crowds we have met so many wonderful pilgrims all filled with joy for the Lord. It is a taste of heaven to be immersed in this!

Continue to share your prayer petitions! We are offering them all!!!

More to come later!!!!

Blessings and peace in Christ!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Viva el Papa!!!!

"Esta es la juventud del papa!!!"

We are in Madrid now!! We've been here a few days now. We will probably post more about everything we have been doing when we have time to sit down and process this beautiful blessing!

Today the Holy Father Arrived and many blessings came with it! Because it is late and I have breakfast with a Dominican Father in the AM I am just going to show you all some photographs!!

WE were very wonderfully blessed to be able to be in the Plaza with the Holy Father and get some good photos of him as welll!

Enjoy the photos and many blesssings!!

In Sweet Jesus, Jesus LOVE!!
~ Katherine

Sunday, August 14, 2011



The day has just dawned in Fatima!

It is such a wonderful blessing to be able to start our pilgrimage in such a wonderful and holy place.
And even though it is cloudy today, this day is pretty well summed up in the Canticle of Zechariah:

In the tender compassion of our God
the dawn from on high shall break upon us,
to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death,
and to guide our feet into the way of peace.

Everyone is having a great time and yet we all have our trials, filled with grace,  which we are all trying to embrace, so that we can grow! It is wonderful that we started the pilgrimage at the sight of a marian apparatiion because I see how clearly our Mother can lead us to Christ in the coming week as we continue toward our Pilgrimage destination: JMJ Madrid!!

Before I continue with a brief recap of the time so far, I'd like to explain the title of this posting.
it is the only word I know in Portugues. It's a little sad because it is so similar to Spanish ... but then, not! So, it makes it hard to communicate especially when I don't even know how to say please, thank you, or good morning.

I don't really know the conjugation of Obrigada (feminine verb) but I am so THANKFUL for this beautiful blessing and so I guess Obrigada is a good word to know, If I'm only to know one word in Portugues.

Now for a brief update on everyone!

Hannah, Emily, Gina, Tucker, and Jaci are having a great time mostly playing weird (fun) universal games like ninja with the other pilgrims. They all stayed up pretty late singing and playing with hundreds of other kids in the courtyard of the DOMINICAN(!!) hotel.

Jason, Tina, Karen Jenna, Bethany and I are also enjoying ourselves though we didn't partake in the ninja - ing(?).

Bethany and I had a nice walk after evening prayer with some other pilgrims including the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia (I LOVE THEM) and before dinner. We are both in that transition stage of beginning and ending college... it's an interesting place to be but also filled with much GRACE!

Jason, Tina, Karen and Jenna are bearing the responsiblity of engaging, caring for, and guiding, the teens on the trip! It is a wonderful bonding experience for all of us!!

Yesterday afternoon we had mass in a small church in Portugal at the Church of the Holy Miracle (it was beautiful!!) and then were able to each see the Beautiful, Holy Eucharistic Miracle

Last night we were all so wonderfully blessed to be here on Saturday the 13th, which for those of you who are not Fatima groupies, is a super holy day here because the 13th is the culmination of the Fatima apparitions AND Saturday is Mary's Day!! There was a multilingual rosary and a candle vigil and procession of Mary ... we will have photos soon!

Today we are going to see more of Fatima and pray more for a Spirit to enter into this WYD (JMJ) and to accept this grace!

We are praying for you!! Please Pray for US!!

 Did I mention the beautiful Dominicans!? ; )

In Sweet Jesus, Jesus LOVE.

~ Katherine (on behalf of all the St. Joe Pilgrims)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Hello and Welcome!!

We are glad you stopped by. We hope to post daily while on our pilgrimage. Until then, please check out the other pages listed on the left sidebar and find out more about World Youth Day, the WYD patron Saints, the pilgrims, our itinerary, and more to come. Be sure to add your Prayer Petitions too, just click the link and add under the comments.

We depart on Thursday, August 11th and return on Monday, August 22nd. We will be posting an Itinerary Page soon, which will give more details regarding the pilgrimage. You can sign up to follow the blog  and will receive notifications of new posts or just stop by when you are able!


"Rooted and built up
in Jesus Christ,
firm in the faith"
(cf Col 2:7)